Weblogs: Intelligent Agents


Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Intelligent agents need to monitor sources of news. Any input stream that contains updated news. So of course RSS is the mainstay of newsworthy materials. So the challenge will be of how to map the varied RSS feeds out there and my interest profile. I suppose that since my interest profile is created and updated by the knowledgebase server, we could represent that as an XML string. Perhaps its just a topic map really, with weights and values that measure level of interest. But I probably need a method of tweaking and removing some of the more nefarious bits off it (if you take my meaning, sir).

Different knowledgebases probably need to share information and topics. So inter knowledgebase linking is needed especially between topics.

I haven't given much thought to how we get from the knowledge base to an actual publishable website. Considering the knowledgebase represents the structure of the subject, there lies the site structure. Does the application create a static html based website, or does it merely publish the content to a website framework (such as a wiki or my own web-based knowledge base (the one that will be quikref.com) ). The latter would keep things flexible, especially if the content is well structured. I'm closed to convinced that a wiki-structure is possibly the best way of storing the article content, although I probably need extra wikisims to define sections and give more flexibility to the linking syntax.

I've had this weird idea of actually making my basic shell powerful enough to run scripts. So that simple scripts could be written, stored and run on knowledge bases. What I'm proposing is for me to design an actual scripting language embedded within the server. I wonder if I should keep it simple, but if I want it to be flexible and ultrapowerful then possible embedding a language like Jython (an implementation of the python object orientated scripting language done in pure Java). I would rule out Jacl purely because of the unfamiliarity and rather simplistic but potentially powerful Tcl scripting language. It doesn't make sense to adopt a non OO scripting language in a server written in OO.

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