Weblogs: Intelligent Agents

Parsing the wiki file-format

Thursday, February 27, 2003

Got the raw-wiki parser working last night, so extracting the actual page text is a doddle. The neat thing about the wiki data structure is that it seems to be extensible without introducing incompatibilities. This featurette may be useful when I need to store article titles in a separate field. As wikians know, the title of a wiki page is the WikiWord, but experience shows that WikiWords is a tradeoff between readability and URL-rememberability, so having its own title field will go some way to allieviating this. Although reading a wiki file is easyish, I haven't gotten around to writing out data in a wiki format.

Getting the wiki-parsing functions to work was good, but it has put a bit of a dampener on editability using a telnet shell. I don't know if telnet can do screen wide applications like a text editor, or whether it really is a line-by-line only protocol. I guess some googling is needed. I wonder how an ssh telnet session works, since it shows a bash shell, what would happen if I then invoked a screen-based application from it -- can telnet actually handle it?

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