Weblogs: Atom
Introducing isoTope
Wednesday, March 10, 2004Late in November I decided to do a fuller, more powerful implementation of the AtomAPI in PHP. My goal was to create a framework that allowed multiple Atom-facing services within one application, and that these services could be plugged in and cloned. The idea was to create an environment where I could experiment with Atom-related ideas and services.
The idea
Some of the services I have in mind would include an Atom front-end to a mailing list, to a news group, even to e-mail. Other directions would include managing the content of a non-blog website with Atom. In essence, I'm experimenting with Atom as a generic front-end to Create Update and Delete of a wide variety of communication streams.
Over the course of December, through the long hot days down in South Africa I wrote the bulk of this framework. Most of my initial ideas were done save one. I've let the application slip so far this year until a couple of days ago (motivation more than anything else).
The application wants to be released, so here it is: isoTope.
isoTope is a web-based application framework built around Atom and the AtomAPI. It is designed to be modular and extensible. It is released under the GNU General Public License. Its only at version 0.1 - the very first version, and the code is rough (although a lot better than my first PHP implementation of the AtomAPI.
Working implementation / demonstration
At the moment the framework runs a very basic blogging application. Updates, comments and new posts can all be done through an AtomAPI client that supports Atom 0.3 and AtomAPI 0.9.
The application supports plain text, HTML, OPML and OML featured content entries. Browsers get HTML responses back from the application, and clients accepting the application/x.atom+xml
mime-type will get raw Atom responses. (Or adding .atom to the end of URLs will return the Atom format, even in a browser):
- http://atom.isolani.co.uk/blog.html forces the response as HTML
- http://atom.isolani.co.uk/blog.atom forces the response as an Atom entry or feed
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