Weblogs: Atom Links
RFC 5023: The Atom Publishing Protocol -- Its here, its official and its a standard. RFC 5023 is the Atom Publishing Protocol. Fantastic work.
A Week in the Valley: GData -- 'The big point for me was that GData is just Atom/RSS for reading, Atom Publishing for writing, and A9 stored queries for searching.' (via Dare Obasanjo)
Encoding RSS Titles -- James Holderness subjects RSS aggregators to tests establishing how they handle ampersands and less-than and greater-than signs in the title element. The concluding suggestion is horrid: user-agent sniffing. That's a throwback to the dark days of HTML, and yet more evidence that RSS2.0 is broken. (via Robert Sayre)
Implementing the Atom Publishing Protocol -- Joe Gregorio outlines a neat design for building an Atom Store. This will be used as a basis for building Atom-powered web services. (Uses Python, but the design is language neutral)
Some of the many limitations of the MetaWeblog API -- Amongst others, not possible to specify the type of the content, not possible to specify the creation date of an entry, no way to tell how many blog entries are available, images are sent BASE64 encoded, XML-RPC has no standard error codes, XML-RPC date/times do not specify the time zone.
Blogging from Word 2007 -- Using Word 2007 as a blog client. Supports the Atom API. (via Tim Bray)
Sam Ruby: Mr Safe -- Mr Safe continues his chat about RSS2.0, and finds RSS2.0 in an even bigger mess than 18 months ago.
RFC 4287: The Atom Syndication Format -- Atom eventually has its RFC number - that makes it a full IETF standard.
Simplicity Rules -- Reblogging an awesome quote: 'The deciding facto for us was the Amazon quote that 80% of their users are on REST and 80% of their support is for SOAP'
Dispatching in a REST Protocol Application -- Using mod_rewrite to assign a different handler based on the request method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
IETF Signs Off on Atom -- Its here! At last, syndication takes another step forward, routing around previous unsurmountable problems. Congrats guys and gals!
Google News offers RSS and Atom formats -- Thank you Google!
The Atom Syndication Format draft 10 -- This is expected to be Atom 1.0 once ratified by the IETF.
RSS 2.0 and Atom 1.0, Compared -- 'RSS 2.0 may contain either plain text or escaped HTML, with no way to indicate which of the two is provided.'
Tim Bray: Atom 1.0 -- 'Now would be a good time for implementors to roll up their sleeves and go to work.'
[Microsoft and RSS] Let me clarify... -- 'On the downside, although Microsoft is supporting Atom in their platform, they appear to be trying to kneecap it.'
RSS in Longhorn -- Will also support Atom 1.0 'when it is released'. (That's probably _before_ Longhorn)
Two Years -- The Pie wiki - the foundation of the Atom XML format is two years old. A week to go before the IESG review
How Atom Publishing Protocol works -- Practical summary of draft-04 of the publishing protocol
Weblog Processing using XSLT -- Atom 0.8 and XSLT 2.0 to generate HTML pages
The Atom Syndication Format draft 6 -- Tim Bray says the end is now in sight. We're expecting draft 7 to be the one to go into IETF's last call process.
Tim Bray: Hats Off to the Atomics -- Keep up the excellent progress and discussion guys and gals!
One-click subscription: sometimes the solution is staring us in the face -- 'Why do you have a link to a machine-only readable file on your web page? Hello, your users aren't machines.'
Telnet and REST Web Services? -- Raw analysis of how REST based web services work.
How to Create a REST Protocol -- 'how to use the REST architectural style to create an application protocol with web-like properties'
Atom constructs are cool -- The Atom spec is object focused - making it much easier to implement. My PHP implementations look similar to Brent's code views
Building Web Services the REST Way -- (via DECAFBAD)
Gmail does Atom -- The Atom feed includes the 20 most recent messages in your inbox and each entry displays the first 90 or so characters of the message body
Nokia Lifeblog provides the richest mobile sharing experience -- Nokia Lifeblog 1.5 utilizes Atom, an open mobile publication standard, which Nokia is contributing to by working together with Six Apart, a shaper in the blog community.
Draft 3 of the AtomPub protocol -- (via Finally Atom)
draft-ietf- atompub- protocol-02 released -- IETF draft - progress on resource handling and HTTP response codes.
Preserving Identity -- Sam: Search engines normalise all the time.
Identifying Atom -- 'URIs aren't just strings; URIs are their own data type'
Atom Feed Autodiscovery -- IETF draft of autodiscovery of Atom feeds
Atomic Heartbeat -- I've never seen a discussion move _this_ fast. Fantastic work!
draft-ietf-atompub-protocol-00 -- First Internet Draft of the Atom Format and Atom Publishing Protocol
Atom Dates -- Definitions of created, modified and updates
Andrew Grumet gets "funky" with RSS and Atom -- Replacing core elements of RSS with Atom elements
The Atom Link Model -- my uncertainty about the linkblog links clarified. Thanks Mark.
Atom News -- IETF Atom Working Group approved
JRoller does it again -- A case against using permalinks as unique identifiers (via Mark)
HTTP conditional get for RSS hackers -- using If-Modified-Since and etag (via Mark)
tag URI scheme -- updated (via Mark Pilgrim)
Atom Community Meeting Report -- Productive discussion, excellent community. Tim Bray looking ultra-cool!
RSS chasing Atom's tail-lights -- It takes the public failure of Reuters RSS feeds to elicit a reaction.
Tim Bray: Identifiers -- In reply to Mark's anti-permalink Atom ids - software that break permalinks are broken, they break the Web.
Mark: How to make a good ID in Atom -- Generate Atom ids using the tag uri scheme
WDG: HTML4.01 Entities -- I need this when Sam mentions détente and François decides to linkblog it!
Sam Ruby: détente -- RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0 and Atom have a reason to exist (via Hotlinks)
How to make a linkblog in Atom -- Mark has added a novelty or three to his Atom link blog
mezzoblue: Plugging the RSS usability hole -- XML icon - the useless button is broken.
Undefined RSS content type: not the user's fault -- Content-type is defined by the tool, not the user
Anne: Atom (or syndication) -- Atom is about semantics
Sam Ruby: First Choice -- IETF or W3C - both good options, nothing between them.
xml deviant: The Courtship of Atom -- Atom benefits from a W3C process
mezzoblue: What is RSS/ XML/ Atom/ Syndication? -- Consise to-the-point summary
The Nucleus of Atom -- Atom = Dublin Core + Syndication
Ev: The tragedy of the API -- The Meta Weblog API mess
Why Atom? -- Phil Ringnalda sums it up
Blogger API Update -- Blogger commitment to Atom.
Atom Wiki Gateway -- Never seen RSS do this.
Innovation in AtomAPI implementations -- Creating new users and groups, SixApart upload and category extensions
WG Review: Atom Publishing Format and Protocol (atompub) -- Atom working group proposed in IETF
Why Atom doesn't use RSS 2.0 -- Routing around damage caused by the funky feeds slam
The tin-foil hat club strikes again -- Dave Winer's Stop Energy campaign against Atom continues...
dive into xml: Normalizing syndicated feed content -- Handling various syndication flavours using XPath expressions. Insightful as usual
TypeKey and Movable Type comment registration FAQ -- Looks like a decent system. SixApart are trustworthy in my books.
Guardian: RSS and Atom peace proposal -- Balanced reporting
Virtuelvis: 11 ways to valid RSS -- The mess Atom is trying to avoid
Norman Walsh: Three dates for Atom -- Good reasons for created, modified and issued dates
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