Experience: Skills
These are the skills I have acquired, either through on-the-job learning, self-taught, or courses.
Web-related skills
HTML: Started with understanding HTML 3.2, and HTML 4.01 Strict (with stylesheets) and HTML 4.01 Transitional with an emphasis on creating valid HTML documents where the document structure matches the structure of the content. Currently using XHTML 1.0 Strict with stylesheets to implement a presentation with a strong emphasis on complete accessibility.
Javascript: Started with Javascript 1.1 and now focusing on cross-platform Javascript with object detection where possible. Developed the drop-down menu code on the Legal & General consumer website, plus the key-ratios spreadsheet for the Networklink website.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): Allied with HTML 4.01 Strict and XHTML 1.0 Strict, this allows the freedom to impose a designed look and feel on a website without compromising the document structure of the HTML.
XML: Allows me to separate the content of websites from the design, so that the content can be managed in a Content Management System. It also allows me to integrate news items and article summaries of related sites into delivered websites. The XML applications that I'm interested in are Atom, DocBook, RSS/RDF, ReST.
XSLT: To translate an XML formatted document to another XML format, or to any other text format.
Perl: Used both as a CGI scripting language, and as a language to develop web statistics reports from enormous web server access logs.
PHP: Used as a rapid-application development tool for web-based applications.
Java: Originally studied using JDK1.0.4 under OS/2, this general purpose object-orientated language I am using J2EE to implement enterprise-wide applications and applications involving extensive use of XML, XSL, and EJBs.
JSP and servlets: I'm using these technologies to interface the Java classes developed above and creating both HTML and XML output.
SQL: Used so far to query DB2, Oracle, mySQL, DBase/Approach, Access and Java-based databases.
Mid-range skills
RPG/400: The main language I used on the AS/400. I developed my code using the standard Source Entry Utility (STRSEU)
CL/400: Used to run RPG/400 programs and carrying out scheduled administration and maintenance tasks
SQL/400: Used to interactively query an AS/400 database file
Operating Systems Used
Linux: Currently developing web applications using Red Hat Linux 7.3 and Suse Linux 8.0. I've had some experience with Mandrake and Slackware distributions.
Windows 95/98: My previous web development platform
Windows NT/2000: Currently used to develop enterprise level applications with the IBM toolsets
MacOS X: Unix based operating system that runs on the current range of Apple iBooks.
OS/400: Main operating system of the mid-range AS/400