Projects: Atom
Atom is a new syndication format for both the sharing and archiving of website content. The primary target for this format is weblogs, but it is not limited to that. My primary interest is using Atom and the AtomAPI to create an updatable website that can be used as a knowledgebase or subject resource.
Atom implementations
- isoTope is a web-based application framework built around Atom and the AtomAPI. It is designed to be modular and extensible.
Older Atom implementations and proof-of-concepts
During Atom's early stages, I have implemented the following:
A rough and ready hack of nntp//rss to handle Atom 0.1 and Atom 0.2 feeds. One of the first aggregators to support Atom feeds.
A simplistic Perl AtomAPI to demonstrate that the Rest-based AtomAPI can work on a typical webhosting environment
A simple PHP AtomAPI implementation to demonstrate that Rest-based AtomAPI can be done using this popular web-based scripting language.
A simple Javascript-based Atom Client to update the above two services, demonstrating that Javascript along with XmlHttpRequest can handle Rest-based transactions.
Planned or underway:
A Mozilla based Atom editing tool
An Atom-enabled knowledge base / developer resource